Thursday, November 22, 2007

Behavior Management

“BUBBLES”-For behavior management, I created something called bubbles. Every time I say bubbles, the students are to freeze. While the students are in Bubbles mode, I tell them what I need to say and then I tell them to pop their bubbles. This really works when I need them to quiet down fast.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1- When I want the students to hurry up and get seated, I count down from 5 to 1. By 1, the students are to be in their desk sitting properly without taking.

Time out chair-When students do not follow the rules both in and outside of the classroom; they are to go to the time out chair and write about what happened.

Star Chart- Throughout the day, when a student does not follow directions and is disruptive, I write their names on the board. At the end of the day, I fill out a chart for their behavior, but if their name is on the board, they do not get a star for that day. By the end of the week, if a student has five stars, they get $5.00 in funny money.

Funny money-Everyday, when I notice students who are following directions, helping others, and simply following the rules, I give them a dollar in funny money. Every other Friday, I have a store where the students are able to use their money to buy things they want, like erasers, pencils, small toys, stickers, and a lot more. Giving the students money is a simple reward for their good behavior.

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