Thursday, November 22, 2007


Koblerville Elementary School Home of the Hugging Umangs

Hafa Adai! My name is Katherine Lizama, I am a senior at the Northern Marianas College. This semester, Fall 2007, I was assigned to do my student teaching at Koblerville Elementary School. I was put in Ms. Tricia Del Rosario’s third grade class. Through this blog you will be able to see the different activities done in the classroom, the diversity of students in the class, the classroom management of the class, and much more.

~Ms. Tricia Del Rosario and I~

Diversity in the Classroom

Pledge of Allegiance
Peace Builder Pledge
Cultural Day

Peace Builder Ceremony

Making Learning Relevant

Field Trip-To the Zoo and the Landfill

Enviroments-The students were learning about different enviroments in Science. One activity we did was I had them go outside and observe an environment within a specific area. The students needed to write down what were some things found in that particular environment.

Community Project- In Social Studies, we were learning about communities. The students were to build their community and include a list of places, for example, a post office, a library, a hospital, a police department and a few more things.

Human Body- In science, the students were able to learn about their bodies and the organs in their bodies.

Books- While the students were learning about the different body parts, I set aside some books for the students to read about that body part for more information.

Behavior Management

“BUBBLES”-For behavior management, I created something called bubbles. Every time I say bubbles, the students are to freeze. While the students are in Bubbles mode, I tell them what I need to say and then I tell them to pop their bubbles. This really works when I need them to quiet down fast.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1- When I want the students to hurry up and get seated, I count down from 5 to 1. By 1, the students are to be in their desk sitting properly without taking.

Time out chair-When students do not follow the rules both in and outside of the classroom; they are to go to the time out chair and write about what happened.

Star Chart- Throughout the day, when a student does not follow directions and is disruptive, I write their names on the board. At the end of the day, I fill out a chart for their behavior, but if their name is on the board, they do not get a star for that day. By the end of the week, if a student has five stars, they get $5.00 in funny money.

Funny money-Everyday, when I notice students who are following directions, helping others, and simply following the rules, I give them a dollar in funny money. Every other Friday, I have a store where the students are able to use their money to buy things they want, like erasers, pencils, small toys, stickers, and a lot more. Giving the students money is a simple reward for their good behavior.

Technology in the Classroom

DVD/Projector-In science, we covered a lot on the human body. At times I found myself having a difficult time explaining some information. Therefore, I got a lot of DVD’s that were age appropriate and explained everything the students needed to know for a specific body part.

Radio-For P.E., at times, like when it’s raining, Ms. Tricia and I have the students dance around in the class to let out some of their energy. The students always enjoyed doing that! I also use the radio with relaxing music playing when I have them do a writing activity.

Computer-When the students are done with their work early, I had them use the computer as a reward for being done. But, the computer eventually broke down!

Teaching Methods

Celebrations- Activities that focus on the joy of completion and accomplishment. These activities serve as reminders and markers. It is also appropriate to stop and acknowledge and appreciate their accomplishments.

Student or participant presentations- Individual students or groups of participants can present information to the rest of the class. Be sure to have clear guidelines for participants to follow, including time, and objective.

*The students got a chance to present their short stories they wrote about friends.

Dramatic presentations-Dramatic presentations may be in the form of skits, plays, mock news, radio, or television shows. They should be videotaped, for the participants to see themselves, as well as not in the classroom or training session. If this is used with students be sure to have the appropriate permission forms.

*Students were able to act out a short skit in thier story about a porcupine.

Cooperative group work-Cooperative group work is a special form of small group work. All small group activities are not necessarily cooperative groups. For a group to be cooperative, a “sink or swim together” mentality must be created. Students, participants work in small heterogeneous groups (2-6 members) where each member is accountable not only for his or her own learning but for helping other members of the group do the same thing. The success of each individual depends on the success of the entire group. For a group to be cooperative, a sense of positive interdependence among the group members must be establishes. The leader must help the group establish mutual goals, joint rewards, assign specific roles, and shares materials. Cooperative learning situations promote the development and practice of higher- level reasoning, critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, communication, and interpersonal skills. The leaders, teacher manages the activity by setting up the groups, and clearly explaining the tasks that must be accomplished. The teacher also serves as a consultant.

*Students were broken up into grouos and assigned different roles to take. The students were to read a chapter in the book and present their summaries to the rest of the class.

Games and puzzles-Games and puzzles can be used to provide a different environment in which learning can take place. They can also be used in cooperative learning groups. Many types of games and puzzles can be adapted to present and review concepts. Games such as Bingo, Concentration, or Jeopardy are easily formatted for different subjects. They can be used for review, reinforcement, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Watch the competitiveness, as this is a learning tool to be used as for fun.

*SPARKLE* was one of the students' favorite game when going over spelling words.

Creative writing-This strategy can take many forms, from poems, stories, written role play (script) journal written reflective thoughts. They can be shared or not. This form gives the participants a creative outlet to the subject taught or discussed. One can also see transfer learning happen in this form of expression.

*The students had a chance to write what they are most thankful for for thanksgiving. They were assigned to read the letter to their families.

Journal writing-Journal writing affords the opportunity for thinking and writing. Expressive writing requires that participants become actively involve in the learning process. This process becomes less effective if participants need to worry about spelling or grammar. Students should be encouraged to write freely in their journals without fear of evaluation.

*Every morning, the journal topic is written on the board. The leader of the day reads the topic and students have to respond to the topic.

Mini lecture-The mini-lecture is a concise way to provide participants with background information, research findings, or motivational examples to spark interest and give them a framework for discussion or activity to follow. Mini-lectures should be brief and targeted, setting up an activity or discussion.

*Before each lesson, I do a mini-lecture to motivate the students for the big activity.

Discussion- A true discussion occurs when a GROUP of people including the leader, share experiences, debate ideas and theories, discuss experiences and work together on common problems. It is not; a teacher asks a question and a participant answer. Class discussion can be used to initiate, amplify or summarize a session.

*After every lesson, we do a class discussion on what they've just learned. I ask the students if they enjoyed the activity, what else could we have done, and what we shouldn't have done.

Experiments and demonstrations- Demonstrations and experiments can be used to show how something works or why something is important. These activities also provide a way to show how something works or why something is important. These activities also provide a way to show the correct process for doing something, like a procedure. They should be carefully planned and conducted. They often involve the use of supporting materials.

*Before any big activity, I demonstrate how to to a specific assignment and then let the students do it in their own.

Growth Activities

During my 80 days of student teaching, i was able to attend on campus Professional Developments, State Wide Professional Development, grade level meetings, staff meetings and a bunch of workshops. Through these meetings, I was able to gain information on a variety of topics. In grade level meetings, we were able to talk about what we need to do in the classroom, what things we needed to cover before a set time, and discuss any questions or concerns we had. Staff meetings are held almost every Thursday. In these meetings, we discuss any new things going on on campus, important dates we should be aware of, and any other concerns we had. Professional developments take place at the school in the cafeteria. In these PD's we are able to gain information on many different topics, like different literacy programs and a lot more.

Assessment Tools

(Telling Time)

Teacher made test-Every week, with every story; there are new sets of vocabulary words the students are introduced to. On Mondays I have give the vocabulary words to them and they are to define the words. On Fridays, I usually give them a short quiz on the definitions of the words.
Observations-Almost everyday, I observe my students while they are completing a task. I watch and see how they do specific things and to see if they are on task.
Portfolios-Everyday, I pick two different pieces of work the students completed that day. I put the work in their portfolio so by the time progress reports or repot cards are due, they have their portfolios to look over and see how well they are doing in the class.
Games-At times I use games as a type of assessment. Its easy, fun, and the students enjoy doing it.
Rubrics-I used rubrics to guide me while I graded the students when I observed them, when they turn in tests and quizzes, group presentations, and indivdual work.

Performance tasks